About Us
Osceola has owned the Municipal Electric Utility since 1912 and it is the only
Municipal Utility in Mississippi County. With Osceola's publicly owned utility, citizens
control the destiny of the utility through its elected officials. This assures local
control and accountability. The City of Osceola, with its diverse community, prides
itself on the high quality and variety of government services it provides to its
citizens. For close to a century Osceola's city-owned electric utility has provided
quality and reliable electric services for its customers while at the same time
maintaining competitive prices. A municipal utility like Osceola is able to respond
quickly to emergencies, maintain close contact with its customers, provide state of
the art energy efficiency and renewable energy programs and maintain local access
to elected officials who make the decisions affecting their citizens. Local control if
the utility also means the City maintains its own inventory of parts and equipment.
Preventative maintenance programs ensure citizens that their long-term investment
is protected and that electric rates remain stable and competitive. The advantages
of municipal ownership are numerous. Yet challenges to keep rates competitive
remain. With the support and involvement from citizens, the City Council continues
to recognize the importance of the City's electric utility. From humble beginnings the
utility has grown and changed to meet the needs of Osceola citizens. The decision
to operate its own electric utility by citizens close to a century ago is in keeping with
the Osceola tradition of self-sufficiency and local control of it destiny.